The post-vacuum drying phase, at the end of the sterilization cycle, ensures improved drying of porous loads and hollow instruments such as pipette tips. The low pressure in the autoclave chamber caused by the vacuum reduces the boiling temperature thereby causing the moisture to evaporate faster. The hot vapor is sucked out of the autoclave chamber by vacuum and the materials dry. Following the vacuum stage, dry air is introduced into the chamber through an air filter.
Complete Drying by Optional Steam Generator
The optional integral steam generator for the vertical autoclave models, provides readily available steam that is fed to the coil that surrounds the chamber. Based on the combined operation of heat provided by the steam generator and vacuum air removal, the leftover moisture will quickly evaporate from the chamber. This results in a faster, more effective cycle and prevents the formation of condensate and guarantees that even the most difficult loads such as textiles, porous loads, hollow instruments and pipette tips will dry.